Expected to be Eligible to Become Teachers

Amaliyah Tadris is a program specifically designed for students of class VI TMI Al-Ikhlash, through this program the final students are expected to be eligible to become teachers, so they can teach if needed. Amaliyah tadris or teaching practice begins with a briefing by the Chairperson of the Pondok which took place on March 16, 2020, then followed by a briefing on the preparation of I’dad Tadris teaching by Ust Diding Mujahidin MA, and the next stage is the first teaching practice which is directly guided by the Pondok Leaders.

Briefing Amaliyah By Pondok Leaders
Then for the next practice takes place in groups with the guidance of each musyrif according to the group. The implementation of this activity will continue for the next week. The stages include making i’dad teaching, correcting by musyrif, then teaching practices witnessed by group members and musyrif, after which each member gives an assessment of the teaching practice by painting all the innovativeness obtained objectively, to then be discussed together with the musyrif guidance. . Good luck.

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